Model Drawing
2021 Year-End Holiday Programme | Suitable for P2 (2021)
Bar Modelling is an essential building block that allows your child to draw and visualise mathematical concepts to solve problems. Often used as a tool to solve complex word problems, our 3-day Model Drawing Programme will help your child to develop their mathematical thinking, reasoning and problem-solving skills to tackle and find solutions to challenging word problem.
How Will Model Drawing Help Your Child:
The building blocks for Primary Mathematics
Methodology & Activities:
Discern between Part-Whole Model and Comparison Model
Solve 2-step word problems using Part-Whole model (Addition & Subtraction)
Solve 2-step word problems using Comparison model (Addition & Subtraction)
Solving Multiplication & Division word problems using bar modelling
Interpret complex word problem through drawing pictorial model
Visualise, represent and relate known and unknown quantities in the word problems with bar modelling
Solve word problems from different math topics, such as Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimal, Ratio, Percentage, with bar modelling
Overall, understand and master how bar models can be applied in word problems, tackle word problems confidently, and excel in math.
This Workshop Is Best Suited For:
Primary 2 who are struggling with model drawing and Primary 1 students who are advanced in Math.
Programme Schedule
23rd - 25th Nov 2021
10.30 AM - 12.30 PM
Thomson Plaza
S$ 250