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Discover Our Subjects

Read for Success, our phonics-based reading programme, is suited for Kindergarten 1 & 2 children learning how to read. We also offer Primary 1 Headstart programmes, available in English and Math, as a preparatory course for Kindergarten 2 children who will soon begin Primary 1.

English Programmes
Read for Success (RFS)

Read for Success (RFS) introduces our youngest learners to the joy of learning the English language. As their first stepping stone into the world of books and reading, RFS offers a phonics-based programme suited for children in both Kindergarten 1 & 2.

P1 Headstart (English)

A continuation of the Read for Success programme, our uniquely designed Primary 1 Headstart programme allows students to build on essential skills such as grammar, comprehension and writing. These critical skills will ensure that our students enjoy a smooth transition to Primary 1.

Mathematics Programme
P1 Headstart (Maths)

The P1 Headstart (Mathematics) Programme focuses on laying a strong foundation of mathematical skills and concepts required for our students to excel in Primary 1. Filled with hands-on and interactive class activities, they will understand and pick up basic mathematical concepts with ease, while also enjoying the learning process.

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